Die Suche ergab 6 Treffer
- 13. November 2019, 09:44
- Forum: Features
- Thema: Ignore missing degree sign "°" in copied coordinates
- Antworten: 2
- Zugriffe: 23412
Re: Ignore missing degree sign "°" in copied coordinates
Would it then maybe be possible to accept a different symbol in the formula? The '°' is a bit tucked away on my keyboard, and a 'd' would suffice there as well, I think. Typically, the coordinates are marked, then selected, then send to the solver input field, but after that, it requires the '°'. If...
- 26. September 2018, 22:54
- Forum: Discussion
- Thema: Test cases for caches
- Antworten: 2
- Zugriffe: 17530
Re: Test cases for caches
I'd like to send you some solved caches as testcases, but I cannot find your email on this forum to send you the files. How can I do that? Hi there, currently i'm trying to write some automated tests for the solver to check, if functionality works after bigger changes. Therefore i need some test cas...
- 26. September 2018, 18:29
- Forum: Features
- Thema: Split copied coordinate in lattitude and longitude automatically
- Antworten: 1
- Zugriffe: 22577
Split copied coordinate in lattitude and longitude automatically
Recently I used this very convenient plugin for a cache that had no additional coordinates specified, just formulas in the plain text description. I think that in many cases, a copied coordinate could be automatically split into the latitude and the longitude, and maybe description, based on the rep...
- 26. September 2018, 17:45
- Forum: Features
- Thema: Ignore missing degree sign "°" in copied coordinates
- Antworten: 2
- Zugriffe: 23412
Ignore missing degree sign "°" in copied coordinates
Most of the workflow focuses on importing coordinates from 'additional waypoints', but when I copy text from a cache description, quite often there is is no "°" symbol in the coordinate. Now I have to enter that manually. It would be very convenient if Locus Solver would ignore the missing symbol an...
- 26. September 2018, 17:41
- Forum: Fixed
- Thema: [SOLVED] On Mobile view of this forum, the Locus cache solver logo blocks part of the page
- Antworten: 1
- Zugriffe: 14254
[SOLVED] On Mobile view of this forum, the Locus cache solver logo blocks part of the page
When I use this forum on a mobile device browser, the Locus cache solver logo blocks the middle half of the upper tree lines on the page, and does not move out of view when scrolling the page. It's a minor thing, but a bit inconvenient.
- 1. Juli 2018, 01:09
- Forum: Features
- Thema: add another format of coordinates (XX.XXX °)
- Antworten: 1
- Zugriffe: 22452
Re: add another format of coordinates (XX.XXX °)
I encounter the same issue. First, the text was not recognized in the cache description: "N51.123A5 E5.98B65", then when selecting it and creating a waypoint, it was accepted, but the ° appeared to be missing, and when I added that, the error was "null" but still, when A and B were entered, no green...