Die Suche ergab 1 Treffer

von jenda42
29. Juni 2019, 14:21
Forum: Bugs
Thema: Formula with trailing whitespace always returns 0
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 17372

Re: Formula with trailing whitespace always returns 0

Hi, problem is in copy/paste with trailing whitespace. Tested on GC849M8 with formula E14° (D*C+5*B-A*5-E*3*C+2*C-4+F*A)/1000 Yoy can try this: add white space at end and nothing to see add second whitespace at end and foormula changes to E14° (D*C+5*B-A*5-E*3*C+2*C-4+F*A)/1000. (decimal dot at end)...