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von gawalione
10. November 2020, 20:27
Forum: Bugs
Thema: Unable to open the txt file with the app
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 24662

Re: Unable to open the txt file with the app

Have you tried the latest version from this thread:
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=63 ?

If i remember correctly, i added an open file dialog in this version. Or was it in another version?
Please try this one.
von gawalione
9. November 2020, 22:41
Forum: Discussion
Thema: Variablen und Funktionen
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 16179

Re: Variablen und Funktionen

In deinem Screenshot oben hast du in der rechten unteren Ecke (aber über deiner Tastatur) ein hellblauen Button mit einem Plus (+). Dort klickst du drauf und wählst "Formel" aus. Danach kannst du oben dann die Formel eingeben.
von gawalione
8. November 2020, 22:30
Forum: Discussion
Thema: Variablen und Funktionen
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 16179

Re: Variablen und Funktionen

Zuerst die "Formel" hinzufügen. Dann kann man in das Feld auch anderes eintragen als Zahlen.
von gawalione
8. November 2020, 10:34
Forum: Discussion
Thema: Variablen und Funktionen
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 16179

Re: Variablen und Funktionen

Die Formel kommt in das Feld für den Wert. Also dahin, wo du bei X die 10 eingetragen hast.
Wenn man eine Variable bearbeitet, kann man verschieden Funktionen hinzufügen. Eine davon heisst "Formel". Diese hinzufügen und es sollte klappen.
von gawalione
6. November 2020, 08:51
Forum: Bugs
Thema: Unable to open the txt file with the app
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 24662

Re: Unable to open the txt file with the app

Normally there are two options, which i know of and that work for me: If i upload the txt file to google drive, i can open it directly from the drive app, if i have the file on the filesystem, i normally use an explorer app and open if from there. There can be two option to open it: "Open with" or "...
von gawalione
25. April 2020, 06:49
Forum: Bugs
Thema: 0.74-DEV1
Antworten: 31
Zugriffe: 94011

Re: 0.74-DEV1

Normally Android should show an crash report dialog after a crash. If you send the data to the Play Store, i can see a bug trace. Have you done this? I do not see many reports in the Store.
von gawalione
21. April 2020, 07:37
Forum: Discussion
Thema: Development version
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 26559

Re: Development version

I uploaded the new version 0.75-DEV1 to the play store.

The only change from current 0.74 (85) is a rewrite of the waypoint edit activity.
von gawalione
20. April 2020, 19:01
Forum: Bugs
Thema: 0.74-DEV1
Antworten: 31
Zugriffe: 94011

Re: 0.74-DEV1

https://get.locus-solver.de/addonSolver-standard-release_85.apk Another update. I found a bug regarding the sorting of variable functions. They could be sorted, but the new sorting was not saved. Its fixed now. If there are not more complains, i would upload this version to the beta channel on goog...
von gawalione
19. April 2020, 14:15
Forum: Bugs
Thema: 0.74-DEV1
Antworten: 31
Zugriffe: 94011

Re: 0.74-DEV1

https://get.locus-solver.de/addonSolver ... ase_84.apk

I uploaded a new version, that fixes the crash in variable functions.
Fixed some other bugs with the importer.

I cound not reproduce the timing problems by drumpldeer, my Pixel 3 shows no delay.
von gawalione
16. April 2020, 07:31
Forum: Bugs
Thema: 0.74-DEV1
Antworten: 31
Zugriffe: 94011

Re: 0.74-DEV1

BTW: the version 83 has a new button in the main list view which starts the import activity. You can select a file and the solver will try to open it as its savefile and will present found caches to import.

(currently it crashes, if the file has the wrong format, that is fixed in next version)