11. Juni 2019, 21:47
1) I copied the behavoir from the the variable view to the new input boxes. It will be in dev2.
2) The variable gets deleted. But you cannot see it, because the parser will recreate it instantly, because it needs the variable.
3) You should see this in the detail view. In the list view is no space for that
4) Yes, they are not unused. But its hard to detect, if a variable is used in a formula, because in the listview i do not know anything about the variable functions. But good point, i have to think about this.
5) × ist not x! I already modified the parser to detect x as multiplication sign, but i'm not sure how to use this. A formula like N51°(AxB) is a valid formula for both parsers.
One would detect A, x, B as variable, the other one A, B and a multiplication. Both could be intended by the cache owner. I think about this, perhaps i have to implement a switch somewhere in the gui.
6) Its simply the same as ², ³, etc but ⁰ and ¹.
7) Currently the solver can detect its save file format, if embedded into the cache description, and load it instead of starting with a clear cache. See
But this requires help and interest by the owner. The new function can load such a save file from my server, if there is one.