Split copied coordinate in lattitude and longitude automatically

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Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 1. Juli 2018, 01:00

Split copied coordinate in lattitude and longitude automatically

26. September 2018, 18:29

Recently I used this very convenient plugin for a cache that had no additional coordinates specified, just formulas in the plain text description.
I think that in many cases, a copied coordinate could be automatically split into the latitude and the longitude, and maybe description, based on the representation of the coordinates. Now I select part of the coordinate equation, create a new waypoint, select the longitude part of the text pasted as latitude, cut, and past in the longitude field, go back to the cache description, copy the comment for that waypoint, open the waypoint dialog and past it in. That should be easier.
Maybe it could be an option to select the coordinate including the description, create a new waypoint (similar to how it works now), then a dialog pops up where I can put a marker between latitude and longitude, and between longitude and waypoint description. Would that be a good and simple method?

Beiträge: 122
Registriert: 7. Oktober 2017, 00:28

Re: Split copied coordinate in lattitude and longitude automatically

2. Oktober 2018, 07:39

The solver should recognize the coordinate formulas by itself, if you activated this option in the settings. The you simply click on the formula and assign it to a waypoint.
Does this not work for you?
